The InjectOne and InjectLast operators in DIVEX and Composition Language 1 (Video)

I have create a video to talk about the InjectOne and InjectLast operators in DIVEX.

InjectOne can be used to fix the value of one element in an array parameter whose element type is a function by allowing us to provide a function as a value for that element. The resulting function will still contain the array parameter but it will represent the remainder of the array. InjectLast also fixes the value of one element in an array parameter whose element type is a function (by allowing us to provide a function as a value for one element) but it also removes the array parameter from the resulting function, basically closing the array parameter. Like Inject, these operators allow us to supply functions that have extra parameters compared to the function represented by the array element type. The extra parameters will be bubbled up to the resulting function.

You can try the example in the browser here:

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